Saturday, September 14, 2013

I Eat Real Food (introduction)

Another new blog... so I have 2 blogs now and 2 youtube channels. I guess I just like to tell everyone everything about my life. I can't help it! Something inside me just pushes me until I do it... 

So the name of my blog is "I Eat Real Food". That's a lie, at least right now it is. But I want to eat real food all the time! and I'm on my journey right now. I've come a long way. The only vegetable I used to eat was corn... my diet was mostly chips and cake. Now as I've become a mom I'm more conscious of what I'm putting into my body because I'm breastfeeding. I want my son to have the best possible milk so he can be super healthy and not get sick because that is THE WORST! So in the last 11 months or so, I've realized my diet is awful! As I've tried adding real food into my diet (no processed foods, more fruits and veggies and quality healthy meats), I've done pretty well. But I still have a long way to go. I still crave sugary treats constantly and I think I'm seriously addicted! I want that to change...  

When my son turned 6 months old it was time to start solids. I knew I wanted to feed him the VERY best foods, but I had no idea where to start. Thank goodness for all the awesome bloggers out there who have inspired me and helped me so much throughout this journey. Real food can be overwhelming. Some people might not even understand the term. Basically it means to me, nothing GMO (genetically modified) nothing made in a lab! No chemicals! Nothing unnecessary! Just food. The way God made it. I believe this modern day world has messed up! Food in the grocery store is not what our bodies need. Processed foods that can sit on a shelf for a hundred years are not a good part of our diet! Animals are treated poorly being stuck in cages their whole lives, fed junk food, given antibiotics because they get sick from the unhealthy diet, and given growth hormones. That's not healthy meat. If I can convince one person, then I'll feel better. But this certainly isn't a blog to make you feel bad about yourself! That's why I'll post my personal experience so you can see my struggles of how I take one step at a time, gradually adding GOOD foods to my diet, in hopes of pushing out the JUNK food. Hopefully you can all take something from my experience and make better food choices for you and your family 

Thanks for following! I'm certainly not an expert but if you have questions, please ask! I will find you the answer

Next posts will be about adding Raw dairy into my diet after being basically vegan for 11 months (my son hasn't handled dairy well through my breast milk but I now suspect it's the "fake" milk that's been pasturized, homogenized, and stripped of it's beneficial properties and good bacteria. 
if I can find raw milk around here...

but stick around! let me know what you'd like to hear about!

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